Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Jiving With Java

I thought Jiving with Java was really interesting because it touched on some facts that are true, and some that I felt were a little bit false. On the second page of this article, it stated that "Americans still want their MTV, too, but after a decade of cocooning and silent night of cruising the internet, they've begun to crave for real convversation". I don't know about anybody else, but to me , that quote is very true. Everyday of my life I have some kind of genuine conversation with someone, rather it be a family member or sometimes a stranger.

This article also made me want to experience a coffeehouse for myself because I never drink coffe or even been in a coffehouse for that matter. I just wanted to see if the stuff that was being said was true or false. When I dragged a few of my friends out to a coffehouse, I was so surprised because mostly everything that the people were saying in the article were true. There were people just as young as I was in their drinking coffee, as well as the older people reading their newspaper. I asked one lady how many times did she come in here, and she said everyday.

Coffeehouses are a good place to study because it's a quiet and relaxing place, even though there were alot of people in there. Maybe I found myself a new study place, but I will never drink coffee.

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